BEAK Whale (Ziphius cavirostris): It is the great unknown, and the most valued by biologists for this very reason, we usually see them but as they are so shy from the moment we spot them they do not spend even 10 seconds and dive and you do not see them again, although they are very

Tropical Fin Whale (Balaenoptera edeni): They usually pass through throughout the year and it is the fin whale that we see most in our seas, even with babies. They can reach a length of about 15 metres and weigh about 40,000 kilos.Common Fin Whale (Balaenoptera physalus): They also usually pass through here, but to a

We have a boat called “Campus Stelae”, which is 15 meters long and 4.70 meters wide, and we use it exclusively for whale watching. It is a luxury boat, with a maximum capacity of 12 people, ensuring a comfortable experience with plenty of space for everyone. The boat features an interior lounge, kitchen, two cabins,