Common killer whale (Orcinus orca): They usually appear when the bluefin tuna arrives, as it is their favourite food, and they always travel in groups of about 10 individuals. They usually measure about 9 metres and weigh about 5,000 kilos.
Pygmy killer whale (Feresa attenuata): The few times we have seen them have been in groups of 20-30 individuals and they have been constantly sailing. They have a characteristic white lips and can measure up to 2.5 metres.


COMMON BEAK SEA (Ziphius cavirostris): It is the great unknown, and the most valued by biologists for this very reason, we usually see them but as they are so shy from the moment we spot them they do not spend even 10 seconds and dive and you do not see them again, although they are very pretty, they have sometimes jumped on our bow, they usually measure about 7 meters and weigh approximately 3,000 kilos.

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August 22, 2015
Gracias por la information

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