Tropical Fin Whale (Balaenoptera edeni): They usually pass through throughout the year and it is the fin whale that we see most in our seas, even with babies. They can reach a length of about 15 metres and weigh about 40,000 kilos.Common Fin Whale (Balaenoptera physalus): They also usually pass through here, but to a

Spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis): This is one of the most common dolphins that we usually see, with their characteristic joy they always come to the boat to play and jump. Only the adults have the characteristic spots, the young ones do not have them. They usually measure about 2 meters long and can weigh up

Risso’s pilot whale (Grampus griseus): We have a resident population of about 80 individuals in our waters, which we are always studying. The young are grey and the adults are turning white with characteristic marks that develop over the years. Their favourite food is octopus and squid, and they can grow to about 3.83 metres

Common killer whale (Orcinus orca): They usually appear when the bluefin tuna arrives, as it is their favourite food, and they always travel in groups of about 10 individuals. They usually measure about 9 metres and weigh about 5,000 kilos.Pygmy killer whale (Feresa attenuata): The few times we have seen them have been in groups

Of the seven species of sea turtles that currently exist, six visit our waters, although only four are the ones we usually see.We rescue many of them on the high seas and take them to the south of the island where there is a hospital for turtles where they are recovered and released back into